Personal Finance Management

Our repository of personal finance management resources allows you to learn advanced topics at your own pace and depth of learning.

Personal Finance Course

Khan Academy: Personal Finance

Khan Academy and Bank of America have created a personal finance course series with quizzes, videos, etc.

– Khan Academy


Income/Expense Tracker Spreadsheets

Keep a track of your income and expenses with these spreadsheets (on a monthly and daily basis), created by the Fluid Ice Foundation.

Budgeting Spreadsheet

Maintain an interactive budget through this spreadsheet.

– University of North Georgia

Budgeting Tips

This video and article will help you understand the best ways to create and implement an effective budget.

– Mapping Your Future

Create a Financial Plan

Create a custom financial plan using this tool, by setting your financial goals in life.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Savings and Paychecks

Saving for Goals: America Saves

America Saves provides you with tips and strategies for saving, based on your financial goal. Simply select your goal at the top.

– Consumer Federation of America

Understand Your Paycheck

Understand what is on your pay stub when you get a paycheck from your employer.

– Investopedia

Paycheck Taxes

We all know of the hassle of filing taxes. In this article, you will understand all of the taxes that are on your paycheck.

– H&R Block

Loans, Credit Cards, and Debt

Grants for Women & Single Mothers: A Comprehensive Guide

In the US today, there are no fewer than 13 million women-owned businesses, employing over 10 million workers and generating an enormous $1.8 trillion in revenue…

– SMB Guide

Use Credit Cards Wisely

Learn how to properly use credit cards, the best practices, and what not to do.

– Mapping Your Future

Loan Payment Calculator

Determine your monthly loan payments, total interest paid, and more.

– Bankrate

Credit Card Payment Calculator

Identify the estimated time it will take to pay off your credit card debt and/or the monthly payments you need to make.

– Bankrate

Beware Payday Loans

If you are in need of immediate cash, payday loans might sound tempting. But steer clear, as they often have hidden traps and fees.

– Federal Trade Commission

Auto Loans: Information

Auto Loans can be complicated, to say the least. Learn about some strategies and things you should know before taking up an Auto Loan.

– Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Auto Loans: Calculator

Use this Auto Loan Calculator to determine your monthly auto loan payments and car purchase price, to name a few.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Auto Loans: Buying vs Leasing

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of both buying and leasing a car, and the steps for each.

– US News

Home Loans: Information on Buying

Learn about the strategies and steps to buying a home.

– Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Home Loans: Are You Ready to Buy?

Everyone wants their own home, but it is not always the financially best decision. See if home ownership is right for you right now.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Deed Street Capital

Deed Street Capital is a nationwide purchaser of privately held mortgage notes to help you get the funds you need quickly so you can move forward with your plans.

– Deed Street Capital

Build Credit

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

Learn about strategies to help improve your credit score, and help you get access to capital.


Build and Keep Good Credit

Learn about the credit score and ways to optimize it, including how to get your credit report, points of contact if you have a problem, etc.

– Consumer Action

Emergency Fund

Start an Emergency Fund

Understand the best way to create and access an emergency fund for when you need it.

– Finra

Ways to Cope Financially Before and After a Big Change

There are many events of big changes in one’s life. Learn about ways to keep your finances in order.


Paying for Education

How to Pay Off Student Loans Faster

Once you have gotten a good job and are ready to start paying off your student loans, you might wonder if there are ways to pay them faster and save some money. This guide covers several options you can explore.

– Education Loan Finance (ELFI)

Paying for College

Learn further about the ins and outs of paying for college, student loans, and more, to help you make smarter decisions.

– Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Financial Aid for Students

Learn about FAFSA, loan options, eligibility, and more.


Section 529 Plans

Learn about the tax-advantaged savings plans (529 Plans) to help with paying for college.

– FinAid

College Savings Calculator

This calculator will help you develop a college savings plan.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Paying for Healthcare

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Health Savings Accounts can be useful for you, as individuals with high deductible health plans could get tax-preferred treatment for the money in these accounts.

– US Department of Treasury

More Information about HSAs

Learn more information about HSAs including tax benefits, qualifications, and limits.

– American Bankers Association

COVID-19 Medical Bills

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has been terrible for everyone. If you had to go to a doctor for COVID-19, chances are you have some medical bills rolling in.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Shopping for Healthcare

With more financial skin in the health care game, and fewer uninsured citizens, too many Americans self-ration health care while trying to “save money” and avoid paying down deductibles that are the centerpiece of their health plans.

– Intuit

Be Prepared: Protect Your Health

Protecting the life and health of you and your family will be your top priority if a disaster hits. Luckily there are steps you can take now to prepare.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

Saving for Retirement

401(k) Plan

Learn about the basics of 401(k) plans.

– Investopedia

Retirement Planning

What’s the best way to save for retirement and how much should you be saving for the future? What’s the difference between Roth and traditional IRA? Should you buy an annuity? These questions and more are answered here.

– 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy


There are several types of IRAs. Learn everything you need to know about individual retirement accounts.

– Intuit Mint

More About 401(k) Plans

More details about 401(k) Plans, from the IRS.


More Ways to Prepare for Retirement

Financial security in retirement doesn’t just
happen. It takes planning and commitment
and, yes, money.

– Department of Labor

Time is on Your Side

If you start saving now, the money will have years to grow, and you’ll have a better chance of being able to do all the things you want to do in the future.

– Department of Labor

401(k) Plan Fees

This booklet answers some common questions about the fees and expenses that your 401(k) plan may pay.

– Department of Labor

Social Security

Social Security is a federal benefits program for retirees in the United States. A pay-as-you-go program funded by Social Security taxes, it is the nation’s largest security net, offering benefits to millions of Americans every year.


Retirement Calculator

Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this retirement calculator to create your retirement plan. View your retirement savings balance and calculate your withdrawals for each year.

– Bankrate

Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of deciding how an individual’s assets will be preserved, managed and distributed upon a death or incapacity.


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